Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Review is over!
I started a knitted scarf today. I know, I know why did I start another project when I have so many already started? Well, I found a blog online where the owner posts a different scarf pattern every month. I really wanted to try this one out and I am glad I did. The pattern will make a great baby blanket. And I have some white soft yarn that will be just wonderful for that blanket. So, guess what I am going to start next? I even sat during lunch today and figured out how many stitches to cast on and what kind of border I wanted around it. Now, I can't wait to get started. I think they call this disease "startitise". I just keep starting new things and never finishing anything. Well, that isn't true, I do finish stuff, but never as much as I start. Maybe there is a 12 step program for people like me.
Take care everyone, have a great night and be nice to each other.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Ramblings for a Monday Evening
Here is a bad picture of Da and Zoe sitting on the bed, eating pizza and watching Shrek the Third. She spent the weekend and we all had a pretty good time. She came in on Sunday morning and woke us up, I still haven't forgiven her for that one. LOL. I think the only reason she comes over is because we have cable. But, I can't prove that one. So, I probably should be quiet about it.
Speaking of grandchildren, I just found out my 10 year old grandson made the honor roll. A very proud grandmother is sitting here writing this. What a great job he did!
Well, we spent all of last week getting our room ready for the review. I mean my co-teacher Tawana and I cleaned it from top to floor getting all the areas ready and in order. We busted our butts for three days. They (the review team) are here (they come from all over the country) and were at another site today and are supposed to be at ours tomorrow. I sure will be glad when this is over and we can get back to the job of teaching.
We had four days off work, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. What did I do all four days? I cleaned. As though I didn't get enough of it at work, I spent my days off doing the same thing. I cleaned the hall closet, got rid of almost everything in there. Well, not really, just the cross stitch stuff. I don't do it anymore and I am going to send it to the reservation so they can have it. Hopefully they can use it up there. There is bound to be someone who cross stitches.
After I finished the closet I actually tackled the sewing room. What I found out, and this came as a surprise to me, was that we really do have a floor in there. I was truly amazed. I had Stephen take the doors off the closet in there and I will hang curtains because it makes it is easier to see what is in there. I had to buy 5 more crates to hold all of the yarn and it still did do it. I have it in baskets in the hall closet, in a large basket here in the computer room, in baskets on book shelves in the sewing room and some in bags in the bedroom. But, at least it is organized better and I can see what I have and can get to it easier. Now if I just had the time to knit it all.
I still need to go through the stuff that I am sending to the reservation and get it boxed up. I want it out of here ASAP. Before I change my mind. I look at it and remember how much fun I used to have cross stitching and collecting all of the fabrics, thread and kits. But, I just don't do it anymore. I really am trying to down size so that when we do move it will be easier.
What am I working on now. A very pink baby blanket for Tawana's grand daughter who is due in February. I have several other projects in the works which I will list after I finish going through them. One of the things I did this weekend was to go through some UFOs (unfinished objects) and decide that I would never finish some of them so I rewound the yarn and will use it for something else.
The blanket has become one I seem to make a lot. It is my own recipe and I find it very easy to do. Using WW yarn and appropriate needles (I use a US9) I cast on 150 stitches. I then garter stitch 12 rows. Then I k10, k10, p10,k10,p10,k10,p10,k10,p10,k10,p10,k10,p10,k10,k10. On the next row I do just the opposite: k10,p10,k10 and so on always keeping the first and last 10 stitches on each row in garter stitch for a border. I do this for 12 rows. Then I take another color yarn (usually varigated) and garter stitch for 6 rows. I then use the first color yarn and repeat the first part. I continue working in this way until it is as long as I want it and then I finish with a 12 row garter stitch border. I hope this makes sense, if not please feel free to contact me and I will try to help you.
OK, I am going to go pack up the stuff I am sending to the reservation, read some things that I need to refresh myself on for work and get some knitting done. Take care and be nice to each other.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
It's been a long time!
So, anyway I am going to try to keep up and at least post once a month. I also want to add more pictures of what I am knitting/crocheting. I want to keep a record of what I have made and what I am doing with my time. I don't have any pictures right now, but hope to this weekend.
I have been busy with work. We are getting ready for our Review. This happens once every three years and is a big deal. It means whether or not we get to stay open. The government sends several people from all over the country to go over everything we do with a fine tooth comb. This will all happen on the 26th of this month, so until then we will be busting our butts to get ready. Fortunately, we do not have any kids tomorrow or next week so we should be ready. I sure will be glad when it is over.
Still plugging along with the Algebra. I HATE it though. I should be studying for a test on the 19th, but what am I doing? Anything to get away from it. We only have a few more classes and then I think I have part of December and most of January before the next class starts. I never, ever, ever want to take another math class again. I am only taking these because I need them to transfer.
Stephen is doing pretty good after his surgery. He will be going back to work on Monday. Now that he is off the drugs for his leg he is making much more sense than he did when he was stoned. But, then again he is not as much fun.
A full weekend coming up. We are going to Zoe's school tomorrow night for some sort of function and then she will be spending the weekend. I also need to study, do some paper work for work, pack the boxes for the reservation's Christmas stuff, and so on and so forth. Hope I live through it.
Take care all. Be nice to each other!